June 2012 was the day our lives changed forever. Our son has remained cancer free since May 2013 which marked the end of his treatment.
To me at this stage of the game, it's hard to say we are blessed. I'm sure I used that word many times in my posts. But after everything and everyone we have met with this particular journey and many other of life's journeys, why would others who lost their battles be any less "blessed". My son, now 20, said to me the other day, " I'm the only cancer survivor out of five kids in our little town, why did I make it and not them?" I responded with the only answer I knew, we were lucky and you aren't finished teaching in this world and learning what you must. My feelings may not be politically correct and are by no means intended to insult anyone, it is simply my view and I speak my truth from my heart.
As Zack continues to have, now, bi yearly tests, there is still the anxiety and subsequent relief at the results. There is still the memories of how our lives changed, for the better, as we are able to look back and realise how much he taught everyone around him about being strong, never feeling sorry for yourself, accepting what is and making the best of what life has to offer, good and bad. I am grateful that he is not yet done teaching us, and am eternally grateful for what lessons those young Angels have taught us about their own journeys.
Our journey still continues, as zack, medically won't be considered cancer free until the five year mark, however, in our hearts he was able, for whatever reason, to conquer the beast! And we are grateful!