My BFF Nancy is back from her visit with her mother, we had a nice relaxing lunch catching up on everything. We had an awesome day helping many people that missed us on Monday, so we stayed pretty busy until closing. As each patient walked in, they would ask how Zack was and telling me of their prayers and good thoughts for us all. It was nice to be back at work, Lord knows I thrive on routine!
After work I go to the grocery store to pick up bread and salad. I am greeted by Bill and Amy (Zack's "other" parents.. he has many amazing people that claim him). I get yet another great hug! Bill (Drake's Dad) offers to help more with Zack's car, I tell him that he has already done so much and won't let us repay him. He says "I don't know what you're talking about, what ??" Again, could we be more blessed? Zack has touched so many more lives than he realizes.
Zack has had a headache all day, it dawns on me that he hasn't had caffeine in a couple of days, so I tell him to have some tea and see if that helps. By the time I return home he is bouncy and feeling so much better. He is at his desk working on his school work (I emailed the Vice Principal and asked for deadlines for Zack to complete his work, without self motivation he just sits and waits to do his work). The entire day we were flooded with emails from his teachers, offering their help to come out to the house to get him on track and offering deadlines with the idea if Zack is having a rough day / week, I would contact them for an extension. Zack just found out the his Senior project (painting his car) has been approved "hands down!", so he is back on the motivation train and excited! Our backdoor neighbor is going to work with him on that with him so he is going to be close to home for the majority of the prep work.
We are scheduled to go to the Center tomorrow for more blood work, we will then see if he needs a transfusion. If he does, this will be another first for us. With each "first" we know what to expect the next time and we have less anxiety.
Proud Mom and daughter! |
Big John... well, God bless him! The man is tough!
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