Today we had an MRI. I asked the technician why they don't take an MRI of the entire body, he says that they are not that advanced yet. The PET scan will show the entire body. I recognize the woman behind the counter, she has known Frank and his family her whole life. She remembers me and my sister, as she graduated the year before us. A little more comfort from a small town, you know the people.
This is one of the MRI pictures, you can see where the tumor was removed. An MRI shows "slices" of the area, so this basically looks like it was sliced in half. |
Zack is ready, he doesn't like the idea of a needle, but is tough and acting cool. I'm not allowed to go back with him, but he doesn't need me there, He has it all under control. Forty Five minutes later he is finished. We are told to wait for a disc so we can bring it to the protocol doctors. Zack is ready to drop me off at work and go hang out with his friends. He is done with the tests and wants to drive around and be cool.
He drops me off at work, the office is closed and a perfect time to catch up on the work I was behind on. I am keeping busy while waiting for the phone to ring. I call the office, no news yet but she guarantees that Dr. Pollock will call. He is great at communication and will not go home until we know the news... She is calming and very sweet and understanding. I apologize for calling so many times, with questions.. appointments, etc.. she says I can call her as many times as I like, that's what they are there for.
It is 3:30 - 4:00 I don't even know. Dr. Pollock calls, asks how we are doing so far, I tell him overwhelmed and he tells me he will always be here for us. He tells me that the results are in. the MRI shows that everything was removed. There are no traces of anything. Dr Bridges removed everything. Yes, for the first time I can mention his name, he is vindicated, he took care of my baby and did a great job. Bedside manner aside he did a good job. Of course we found out that he should have taken x-rays or MRI prior to the surgery to see exactly what he was dealing with, but the angels are with us and it all turned out great.
The second part of the good news? the blood work came back negative. Blood cell count is very good and no signs of anything abnormal. I could kiss this doctor, I don't even think his wife would mind. He is my angel on earth. What does this mean? There is a pretty good chance that there is nothing anywhere else in his body. The PET scan will show this for sure. He is still going to need chemotherapy to ensure complete removal of the bad cells if there are any, but that is for the next set of Doctors with the protocol.
I thank Dr. Pollock over and over again. He lets me know that even though another group is taking over, ANYTIME we have questions, he is just a phone call away.
Zack picks me up at work excited about the news, Frank still questions why the chemo and how will they tell if it is gone if they can't see it now? All questions for the next team of Doctors,.
Next.... A much needed vacation to Jekyll Island, GA with Mom. Meet with the trial doctors on the 11th and the PET scan on the 13th...... then........ the journey continues.....